T&T is short for Trampoline and Tumbling. Air Sports T&T is a competitive team located in North Scottsdale. The team is comprised of athletes competing on all levels in the sports' four events: trampoline, synchronized trampoline, double-mini trampoline, and power tumbling. For more information on the team, please visit www.airsportstnt.com
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Rummage 2010 a Success!
Here are the kids taking a break from selling at our annual rummage sale to support the booster club.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
2011 T&T Scholarship Camp Dates Set
The 2011 T&T Scholarship Camp is scheduled for July 31 (Sunday drop off) through August 5 (Saturday pick up). This will be the 8th annual camp to raise funds for the T&T Scholarship Program, providing approximately $25000 each year to athletes who wish to continue competing trampoline, tumbling or double mini-trampoline while attending college. Dr. George Drew is the founder and director of the camp held each summer at Camp Wakeshma in Three Rivers, Michigan. Campers are treated to a variety of water sports on Lake Corey and other activities in addition to training the three T&T disciplines. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and will begin in January.