Let me start off with – Yahooooooooo Air Sports did it again!
I will write up a complete run down on this weekend's competition – we were a huge part of the show and all over the podium with great results! Anyway, thank you to all the athletes that participated and parents for being there this weekend for the Team!
Today's workout (Monday March 14th)
We will be at Desert Storm today for all levels from 4 ~ 7pm. Because of Spring Break and several team members & families are out of town or just busy this week; I am combining the youngers & olders into one group from 4 ~ 7pm.
This will also give the staff an early evening and time to relax after a few very busy weeks and weekendsJ
Monday 4:00 ~ 7:00pm for everyone
Tuesday 4:00 ~ 6:00pm again for everyone
Wednesday 4 ~ 5:00 Recreational class
5 ~ 8:00 ½ will stay at DS & ½ can travel to Aspire.
Thursday 5 ~ 6:00 Recreational class
6 ~ 8:00 Training Team w/ Team for those that want the hoursJ
Friday 4:00 ~ 5:00 Recreational Class
5:00 ~ 8:00 Team – probably ½ and ½ again w/ Aspire – TBD
Saturday 10:00 ~ 12:00pm JumpStart Team Training – (Finally starting up againJJJ)
I also want to thank those that got their monthly tuition checks/cash inJ THANK YOU!
Please if you have NOT yet paid; try to get it in this week. I must process a payroll & pay our rent to Desert Storm this week.
This should be an exciting week with all kinds of new equipment arriving. Mikey & I both hope to be rolling out a few surprises with the Rod Floor moving into our spaceJ I am still searching the valley for the "right" building & location for our Team. It is taking a little more time and energy then I hoped, but well worth the time and work…After every weekend of competition I am fueled even more to get this done and start the growing process again.
Everyone keep your chins up and enjoy the great weather during spring break…
Coach Scott